08 September 2016

Court of Fives / Kate Elliott


Court of Fives was entertaining and captivating. I could not put the book down. It doesn't really have a solid plot/goal, it's more just Jes's story, but it's still intense and interesting.

I really liked Jes's character, and how the book revolved around her, not around Kal, the love interest. The story is more than just a romance plot; it's also about family, honor, betrayal, etc., and it really dives into those themes. One thing keeping me from giving it a higher rating was that the novel is a little long. I have nothing against page numbers, I mean long as in it dragged and got tiring at the end. Elliott introduced more family lines/history at the end, making it feel very crammed. The family lines were not well-explained earlier (and very confusing with the fancy names and the several generations), so the two pages of solid text trying to clear up the history was incredibly hard to follow. I just skimmed it, because it wasn't very relevant either and could have been stated in a much simpler, clearer way.

In the last fourth, more magical stuff is introduced. It was very vague, and Elliott started using all these metaphors which made everything more confusing because I had no idea if it was just a metaphor or if the flowery language was describing some magical thing that was happening. I think Elliott wanted to introduce more to the world, but the book was already so long and she never got into it, which made the magic aspect feel unnecessary, tiring, and confusing.

Court of Fives was an intense ride. I really enjoyed it, but because it kinda went downhill at the end it left a bad taste and now I'm tired, so I don't know if I'll read the next. Either way, this book was enjoyable, so try it out!

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