08 September 2016

The Museum of Intangible Things / Wendy Wunder


There are several reasons why I gave The Museum of Intangible Things a low rating. 

One, there wasn't any character development. The main character, Hannah, remained unhealthily dependent on her best friend Zoe and never grew a spine. Hannah LET Zoe do all of these crazy things (and I mean crazy as in mentally ill, not just "out there") that were extremely dangerous, and didn't get Zoe help even though she knew Zoe was sick, which leads me to reason number two. 

Two, Zoe is mentally ill and Hannah pretty much just watches as Zoe spirals into madness?? Is this what we should be teaching the young girls that read these novels?? The novel ended with the main character being reassured that nothing is her fault, when really it was. She was her friend's enabler. She helped Zoe do all of these incredibly dangerous and unreasonably things when she KNEW that Zoe was sick and mentally unstable. And at the end of the novel, Hannah is STILL ridiculously dependent on Zoe, to the point where she was willing to die because she couldn't bear the thought of living with out her. What exactly is this book trying to say? Follow your mentally sick best friend and let her ruin herself, and then offer to ruin yourself with her??

And finally reason number three: the horrible relationship. He comes out of nowhere and our main character is so desperate and lonely that their relationship just miraculously blooms. I found it very unbelievable and rather disgusting, especially because they went from never talking to extremely intimate sexual acts. What???? 

Please do not read this book, especially if you are young and impressionable. I can't think of any other purpose this novel has other than to romanticize mental illness and codependency. If you want an eye-opener on mental illness, read It's Kind of a Funny Story. That's an amazing and touching novel that really leaves you thinking, and does everything Museum fails to do.

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